Monday, 31 August 2009

black and gold

my carnival fun was confined to yesterday, as today I am mostly calligraphising these black and gold envelopes for a certain high fashion shoe brand's fashion week event...
... er, where's my invite, hmm???

Sunday, 30 August 2009

la cage aux folles

this little robin has been hanging out in my local sainsburys for 2 days!
No-one can catch it as he keeps flying off over the maze of aisles :(
I now regard the supermarket as a ruddy great birdcage...

Saturday, 29 August 2009

leopard print bread

continuing my obsession with all things leopard, into the kitchen... and my tummy!

tastes good :)

cool cats

the other night I was strolling down hackney road with my friend stef when we happened upon this mysterious gang of cats:::::

so weird - 6 black and white cats just hanging out together?
Dogs do packs, but cats?...

... I'm suspicious... what are they up to?...

pretty city

aaah, sarf london so pretty...

Friday, 28 August 2009

sunny sunday

the start of my sundays::::

the end of my sundays::::

...I don't actually end up in church - just at the pub next door...

uh oh...

pretty in pink though...

Thursday, 27 August 2009

cassette graveyard

I've got 2 drawers full of ancient tapes that I can't bring myself to chuck, despite being that most are 20+ years old, and stored next to a radiator, so have now taken on a charming warbling effect during playback...

I've also got all manner of nice big vintage tape players to listen to them on - the most impressively big being my 16 year old peugeot 106 - but the warbling thing is just plain fucking annoying!
So I just occasionally look at them and mourn all the music of my youth I can't be bothered to replace on mp3, sigh....

Until now!
Ok, so I'm supremely late on spotify - only just discovered it's greatnessssss :0
And I'm now randomly plucking tapes from the drawer and looking them up in a whirlwind frenzy!
... it's gonna take me years to listen to all this shit again...

...but the rush of memories you get is just too good!
First out was Mary J Blige, My Life:

.... But I now have this on repeat so will blatantly never get round to all the other tapes...

my fave track with a lauren hill remixxxx:

Thursday, 20 August 2009


this is the best thing I ever did seeeeeeee.......

gwarn blondinette!

the original::::::