Thursday, 29 April 2010

RUMMAGE jumble sale

I'm super-psyched to be taking part in this Sunday's RUMMAGE jumble sale : the Illustrators special at Superette!

Superette was formerly a technicolour emporium and stockist of girlgang, but has now been transformed into a minty-fresh and cool gallery and event space, run by my friend Leona Baker.
This is the first of a series of specially themed jumble sales and there'll be a whole team of illustrator types selling their spring-cleaned-out bits and bobs alongside me this Sunday, 2nd May - so come and join us :)

Here's the facebook event page with the full details

My table will be featuring 80's VHS tapes, a-mazing earrings, old-but-good magazines and books and er, well, any other cool junk I come across before then... oh, and I'm sure a few girlgang samples will work their way in there!

See you there :)

Monday, 26 April 2010

chaka khan?

another beauty...

... and if you don't know about Krush Groove???

get to know:::::

Sunday, 25 April 2010

lush life

I have no idea if I like any of the songs on this album..... whatevs!
Like books, I judge all albums by their covers, and this one is one of my classic faves of all time!

i ♡ gold

my nails are well ridgey but I think it looks cool - like facets on a chrystal!

out of sight...

but not out of mind - thought I'd lost these bad boys the other day and nearly threw up with panic!!!!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

pork and cabbage!

the Polish jewel in elephant and castle shopping centre's crown:::

£24 = 3 very full girls

... they have spoons hanging from chains by the counter seats...
I can't think of a non-gross/weird explanation for this...
but the bigos is awesome!

Monday, 5 April 2010


I didn't think colouring in could actually get any better than it already is - what a fool I was...

thank you pound shop for continuing to bring unexpected joy to my life!